Title : 71/ 71 Into The Fire/ Into The Gunfire
Release : 2010
Cast(s) : Kwan Sang Woo, Choi Seung Hyun, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seung Woo.
Its an action movie, based on true story about 71 students-soldier who fights hundred of North Korean soldiers in front of middle school. Most of them are undertrained and undergunned student-soldiers.
Kap-Jo played by Kwan Sang Woo is an ex-student who facing murder accusation. When fulfill it, he volunteered to become one of the 71 students.
I’m not really that into action movie, incriminate wars and gun shooting kind of movie . My friend insist me to watch it. Since I love Choi Seung Hyun a.k.a TOP (plays Oh Jung Bum), he’s my forever great rapper in Korea. And there are Cha Seung Won, Kim Seung Woo and Kwon Sang Woo, then I’m sure this movie will be great. And it is. In this movie you will learn how to love your country despite your paucity. Not only offer you a physical full-scale battle, it will also breaks you with entertaining psychological warfare. This movie was hit the box office in 2010. And TOP won three categories he nominated. That was daebakk. So why not? it means that he’s such a great newbie actor right?
You better watch it too :)
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